Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Est. August 2011

Ok so now that I've established this blogg (I like it with two g's because then it sounds like it was purchased at Ikea. aka Seventh Heaven.  Especially according to my 90 year-old, happily married grandparents.  They go through the entire store at a snails pace exclaiming things like "Where else can you get an ice cream for a DOLLAR. ONE DOLLAR, JOHN!"  "Ell, we need to redo the kitchen.  Look at these drawers - you could fit all your crap in here."  Then they proceed to purchase themselves a "real nice set of wine glasses.... because all the others have disappeared." After the trip we had to stop and buy fancy wine for their fancy glasses.  OMG HELLO A.D.D.  I clearly need Luis around to keep me focused.)

But back to my blogg.  I will be 100% honest that the initial inspiration for starting this blog is to be considered for WeddingBee.  (Hi Pengy!)  I love the brides' blogs and have found them to be inspirational, uplifting, frustrating, and heartfelt.  I'm trying my best to learn from their mistakes as much as their successes, listen to their sage advance, and by sympathetic to the occasional rant.  In reality 394242342 brides a day apply for the privilege of writing as a Bee.  Sooooo I'm doing this for myself.  My wedding is for my and my fiance and I am doing my best to make this my motto.  Wish me luck!!

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